Mini-card of the product

products.tpl - mini-card template.

Two templates of type {products} use the same tags.

Tag Description
Product name.
Short description of the product.
{short limit="200"} Short product description is truncated to 200 characters.
Category name.
Product rating.
Rating number.
Number voted.
Displays a link to the poster, as by default on the blog.
Displays a link to the reduced copy poster, if available.
Link to the full product card.
Product price.
Old price if there is a discount.
Displays the content if a price is specified.
Displays content if no price is specified.
Displays content if a discount is set.
Displays content if no discount is specified.
Outputs counter for selection in cart.
Number of warehouse items.
Item number.
Product publication date.
Output currency sign.
Display the product brand.
A button that adds the product to the cart and takes you directly to the checkout page.
The button that adds the product to the cart.