Product card

roduct.tpl - product card template.

Product name.
Full description of the product.
{short limit="200"} Short product description is truncated to 200 characters.
Category name.
Product rating.
Rating number.
Number voted.
Displays a link to the poster, as by default on the blog.
Displays a link to the reduced copy poster, if available.
Link to the full product card.
Product price.
Old price if there is a discount.
Displays the content if a price is specified.
Displays content if no price is set.
Displays content if a discount is set.
Displays content if no discount is set.
Displays a counter for choosing the quantity in the basket.
Number of items in stock.
{article} Product item.
Product publication date.
Displays the currency sign.
Displays the product brand.
A button that adds the product to the cart and takes you directly to the checkout page.
A button that adds a product to the cart.
Reviews. reviews.tpl - template responsible for reviews.
The number of reviews.
Feedback form.