FAQ - Celena/Shop
How can I select a color, image or other product property so that the price changes when selected?
Template files serve for this: tv, ptv and ctv.
Copy them into the template shop and make something like this:
<a href="#" data-counter="{counter}" data-prod-info="title:{title};price:{value}">{title}</a>
But if you write your own js instead of the standard app/tpl/plugins/Celena/Shop/web/js/shop.js to work with the shopping cart and store functionality in general, then you can customize the tags as you like.
How can I open the product quick view window?
Place the data-a="Product:quick=5" attribute on the element you want to click to bring up the product quick view window.
Note: Your template must have a quick.tpl file that has the same tags as the product.tpl file.
Note: Your template must have a quick.tpl file that has the same tags as the product.tpl file.