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Setting up Google authorization on the site | One tap popup

Setting up Google authorization on the site | One tap popup

(2 голосов)
Creating a Google One tap authorization on a website seems very complicated at first glance, but after studying the documentation, you can do it very quickly.Let's start with the most important.Go to Google Console.Create a new project (Create project).Then find the item in the menu APIs & Services → Credentials → Create Credentials → OAuth client ID.After that, in the field Application type and select Web application.In the Name field, enter the name of the site or any other, such as App OAuth.In Authorized JavaScript origins, enter the address of your site, without the slash at the end. In the Authorized redirect URIs field, enter the site address with the ending /?auth=google.Click save. And after that, you will receive your Client ID. Copy it and paste it in the admin panel settings.Now create an API key.For the Google Auth module to work, you need to load the library via composer.SSH into the root of your site, write composer require google/apiclient.After installing the library, Google authorization and registration will work for you.


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